The real story of the Three Little Pigs
Once upon a time there was a big angry wolf walking down the forest And found one of the little pigs house that's made out of hay then he said ‘’little pig little pig let me in’’ then the little pig said ‘’not by the hair of my Chinny chin chin’’ after that the big bad wolf said ‘’And I'll huff then our puff and a blow your house down’’ but the house surely did not go after that. The first tittle pig ran to the second little pig’s house. Next the wolf ran over to the second little piggies house and said ‘’Little pig little pig let me in’’ then the pig’s said ‘’no not by my hair from my chinny chin chin’’ and the wolf got mad and said ‘’ I will huff and i'll puff and blow your house down’’ then the second little pig house went down with a big power of wind. Then the two little pigs looked at the big bad wolf with terrier in their eyes so they ran to the third little pigs house that was made out of breaks the strongest out of all, they locked the house so after that the big bad wolf came up to the last pigs house where the three little pigs were in and the wolf said.